The people of St Andrew’s United Reformed Church Chesterfield are a Christian community which seeks through worship, prayer, learning and service to experience and witness to the Good News of God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ.
We believe we are called to…..
- be followers of Jesus, inspired by his words and actions, to make a difference in today’s world
- bear witness to the grace of God, which surrounds every person, and seek to value each and everyone
- encourage the exploration of the Bible together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, believing that Scripture testifies to many and varied insights about the nature and actions of God
- express our faith through worship which draws on contemporary insights as well as Christian tradition
- be ecumenical in outlook, believing that life for the churches will be enriched as Christians work together and share each other’s insights
- engage fully in the life of the local community forging partnerships with all who work for the common good, offering love and service to people in need
- be wise stewards of the environment and care for people in the wider world.