Leave a message by using the Contact Form below. Make sure you select the right person in the Category box!
Minister: Revd Caroline Andrews
St Andrew’s Church Secretary: Ms Liz Sharples
Pulpit Supply Secretary: Revd Don Nichols
Treasurer: Revd Patrick Lidgett
Weddings, funerals and baptisms, please contact the Church Secretary
[St Andrew’s is not at present able to conduct same sex marriages.]
Hall Bookings Secretaries: Mrs Judith Handley and Mrs Joyce Hannan
To book the premises: please use the contact form, providing details of your name and phone number and the event and time and date you wish to book. Judith or Joyce will get back to you.
Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Joan Rowland
If you have an urgent safeguarding concern, that is if you or someone you know is in imminent danger of harm, phone the police on 999. You can also phone Derbyshire County Council Safeguarding Team on 01629 533190. For all other safeguarding issues, contact Joan using the contact form below.